Legislative | Mid Atlantic State Pipe Trades

Baltimore City


Please reach out to these City Council members and ask them to support Council Bill 21-0048: Construction Projects - Project Labor Agreements.  This Bill would mandate Project Labor Agreements on all city construction over a certain threshold.


These Council Member sit on the Ways and Means Committee that need to approve the bill before it goes to the full City Council.  Please call or e-mail them and ask them to support Project Labor Agreements.


City Council President Nick Mosby - councilpresident@baltimorecity.gov - 410-396-4804


Committee Chairman Eric Costello - eric.costello@baltimorecity.gov - 410-396-4816


Councilman Kristerfer Burnett - Kristerfer.Burnett@baltimorecity.gov - 410-396-4818


Councilman Ryan Dorsey - Ryan.Dorsey@baltimorecity.gov - 410-396-4812


Councilwoman Danielle McCray - Danielle.McCray@baltimorecity.gov - 410-496-4808


Councilwoman Sharon Middleton - Sharon.Middleton@baltimorecity.gov - 410-396-4832


Councilman Isaac Schleifer - Isaac.Schleifer@baltimorecity.gov - 410-396-4819


Councilman Robert Stokes - Robert.Stokes@baltimorecity.gov - 410-396-4811